Use your mouse to make adjustments to the load plan, or you can create the entire load plan as you like it. A very rare feature! CargoWiz does it best.
Congratulations! You have found the easiest shipping container loading calculator software to learn and use. USA based. Simulate loading your cargo in minutes, not hours or days! Handles Mixed Cargo Loading and Multiple Container Loading with ease.
How many SAME SIZE BOXES in a container calculator
How many MIXED SIZES OF BOXES in a container calculator
How many ITEMS in a container calculator (for instance if each box contains 12 flashlight items CargoWiz will calculate the number of those flashlights on the shipment)
How Many CONTAINERS ARE NEEDED, for the entire shipment per, the container calculator
From the beginning we designed CargoWiz as a visual container loading calculator with the first-time user in mind. Our guiding principles are:
While other software providers may suggest users attend expensive seminars to learn their software, users should be running CargoWiz with your cargo within minutes. It is easy for multiple users with no computer expertise to learn. Due to this ease of use, there are no re-training issues when employees change positions or move on.
With other programs you may need to designate and train an “expert.” Not so with CargoWiz.
Use your mouse to make adjustments to the load plan, or you can create the entire load plan as you like it. A very rare feature! CargoWiz does it best.
Essentially, just uninstall on the old user's PC and install on the new user's PC.
Note: As licensing is based on the number of licensed users purchased, who at any time might use CargoWiz, we do not need the user(s) names. It is not based on the number of concurrent or simultaneous users.
If you have a database like “Our Products.mdb”, or other shipment files ending in “.mdb”, that you want to retain, copy them from your AppData or Application Data/CargoWiz/Shipments folder on the old computer to the same place on the new computer.
As drilling down to that location takes quite a number of steps, some people find it easiest to open CargoWiz on the old computer, go then, on the upper left, click:
“File”, Open”, select the desired file(s).
Then go “File, “Save As” and browse to save it on your desktop. It will have a .mdb suffix. (If asked to do so, do not accept an encouragement to upgrade it to a newer version as it will not work in CargoWiz)
Then get it to your new desktop by memory stick or email. Then in CargoWiz on the new machine go:
“File”, “Open” and browse to open the desktop file.
Next go “File”, “Save as” and the file will, by default, get placed in your new appdata/CargoWiz/Shipments folder.
While officially free support lasts one year, we have not actually charged for support beyond one year thus far.
If the truck or container is only partially full, One click of the “Spread My Cargo” button will rearrange the load to use more of the floor space, generally improving weight distribution and stability.
This means you can try it with your products and really know if it works for you. Truly an easy container loading calculator, container stuffing calculator, and an easy truckloading calculator as well.
Worried about how you will get all your mixed cargo container loading data into CargoWiz? Use copy and paste with our Wizard-like Excel import template to bring in thousands of products at once.
There is also a provision for importation from company business systems. Often these have acronyms or brand names - ERP, WMS, SAP etc..
(Of course you can just type product data into our cargo grid if you like.)
"Container Advisor" lets you know the optimal container size or optimal mix of container sizes for your shipment based on shipping cost rather than just space. Optimal Container Mix, such as 2 of the 45 HQ and one each of the other sizes.
This feature may pay for your purchase during the trial!
Check out the links below!
CargoWix is the world’s load planning Planning Cargo Layout Software — we uphold industry and exchange the worldwide trade.
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