Check out all the features CargoWiz has to offer!

Load onto Standard Pallets

North American, European, Asian, and Australian sizes are built in. Or you may define your own.

Shipments of One or Multiple Containers, Trucks, or pallets

Load Multiple containers, trucks or pallets as may be needed for large shipments. Just click the "Load Next..." button. No numerical limit.

Quick Tour

On first use a wizard steps through the program pointing out key items.

Choose Units of Measure

Units may be selected as Metric or English.


English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish -Even change on the fly.

Operational Design Features

Drag and Drop Load Editor

Use your mouse to move cargo, or even create the load design entirely on your own. Practical and fun to use. Automation Commands allow you to load quickly, not one at a time. For instance, place a cargo in the far left corner, right click on it, then from the menu select "Place more of these in a line toward the doors" and it is done in an instant. Best to advance the video to time location 2:57 to see this example promptly.

Auto Start with last Shipment - Saves you time!

Each time you open CargoWiz it automatically loads the data file of your last shipment. For manufacturers the data file is usually all of the products they make with shipment quantities of each cargo type generally set to zero. Just reset the quantities for the new shipment as needed and press "Load".

(With competitors - generally you must find and open a database. Then you must extract the items for the current shipment, thus creating and managing a subset of the master database.)

Built-in Truck and Container Sizes

Many popular truck and container sizes are built-in so you do not have to create them. You just click on the one you want to use. Or you may easily create your own sizes. You can even simulate Flat Rack Containers for wide or tall cargo by setting your own dimensions.

Mixed Cargo Sizes

CargoWiz was developed expecting cargo to have any variety of cargo dimensions and create a load plan without hesitation

Mixed Container Sizes also

Suppose you load a 40 ft container but you have some left over cargo. Before hitting the “Load Next Container” button you can go to the left most tab and select a 20 ft container size for the remaining cargo. Reduces shipping costs and damages.

User Interface Features


Tabs are easy to understand and in CargoWiz you essentially deal with just 3 primary tabs. You always know "where you are" in the program.

(With competitors - User interface can be confusing with changing Panels. Easy for the code developer, hard for you.)

Color keyed Column Heads make it simple

Note the pink and blue column heads. The pink designates required data while the blue is optional.

Two Load Views -Top and Angled

You can also click to view from the left angle.

(Our Competitors - just one view at any time)

Stage Area

A simulated loading dock of cargo to be loaded. Lets you graphically see loading progress and quickly see what items are left out.

(Our competitors - no stage)

Cargo Labeled

In the "Advanced Views" and “Drag and Drop” Windows you can see the cargo labeled with either the part number, short ID or description.

You can also zoom in and rotate the image.

(Some competitors have labels)

Units Inside column

This is handy if you deal with the total quantities within boxes, not just the number of boxes. It calculates the totals. Example 100 boxes, 12 widgets per box (the units inside), so CargoWiz totals 1200 for you.

Magic ID - Cargo Under Mouse

Details of the Cargo under the mouse pointer are displayed on screen. Even works for cargo on the stage.

Load Steps Review

Repeatedly clicking the Draw Step button permits viewing loading steps, thus revealing cargo hidden in the full view.

You don't have to supply much

If you use the Excel Import Template you can enter just length, width, and height and CargoWiz will auto-generate any other required values for you. A great time saver for freight forwarders and others.

Importing Your Data

Option 1. Type it directly into the Cargo Grid

The grid is effectively the database of cargo.

Option 2. Easy Import using our Excel Template

This is the easiest and most popular method when there are many products or cargo types. You copy your data to the clipboard from any source that permits it. Usually it is your own Excel sheet, but could also be a database or even a Word document. Paste it into our Excel template and click "Submit". It checks that your data is acceptable (such as that dimensions do not contain letters) then transfers it to the Cargo Grid where you can save it.

Option 3. Link to your ERP, WMS or business system.

This requires that you have a programmer familiar with your system write code to create a file for you to open with shipment data from your system. We provide a guide to the process and sample data transfer files.

Loading Rule Options(Note: The software is designed so that you can simply ignore these options when not needed.)

Set Stacking Limits

Set how many times like cargo may be stacked.

Load by Sets

Or Ratio like 4 chairs for every table.

Bottom Only

Require some cargo be placed bottom only

Set Loading Priorities

As for sequential deliveries or grouping of products

Taboo on top

Make some cargo "Taboo on top" of other cargo

Set total weight limit

And CargoWiz will stop loading and advise when it is met.


Recording and sharing your load plans

CargoWiz contains a full set of reports. The most popular is "Details and Sequences" which has sequential graphics like those shown higher on this page for "Click Draw Step".

You may print to a .pdf file in order to share reports easily via email. The pdf can even be sent to smart phones.

Calculates Axle Weights

  • - Graphics make axle loads easy to understand.
  • - Center of Gravity calculated.

User can drag to shift load if space permits.

Spread a partial load plan - improve stability

Spread My Cargo

Learn Your True Total CostDetermine the fair share of freight cost for each cargo piece

Based on the cargo item's volume share of the total volume of cargo shipped.

This is an involved calculation when you have a variety of cargo sizes and quantities. Reported as a percentage share and also provided as actual cost if you provide the freight cost of the shipment. This can be in any currency you use.

Copy and Paste results to Excel, email, and so on.

Load Cargo Onto Pallets

Load onto Standard Pallets.

North American, European, Asian, and Australian sizes are built in. Or you may define your own.

2-Stage loading - Into Trucks or Containers

A handy Wizard converts pallets like the one shown here, into a file as large rectangular cargo items that reflects the pallet length, width and the loaded height from floor to the actual loaded height. Then you can load the file contents into a truck or container automatically or load the the way you want them using the Drag and Drop feature

Auto Detect and Use a "Pinwheel" Loading Pattern

Takes up less floor length:

This pattern of 4 pallets can take up less of the container length because it may reduce the width of the long empty space near the right wall and be more significant that the few square empty spaces in the pinwheel centers.

In some cases it permits the loading of an additional pallet.

Less Damage: from swaying in transit

The weak side of one pallet can face the strong side of an adjacent pallet and the chances of a “domino” type failure is greatly reduced.

The result can mean a reduction in the cost of damaged goods.

We invite you to download our free trial and see what it can do with your cargo!