There is a grid where you can type them in, or even bring them from an Excel sheet

The side message is displayed in the manual Drag and Drop window, which is displayed by clicking “Drag Cargo” on the main menu in the upper left of the Home screen, then “Edit or Create a Load Plan”
The “Could Contain In” value is also displayed in the first page header of the top menu item, Report, “Print Load Plan – Details and Step-by-Step”
Above, a desk has been pulled from the stage. The shadow helps visualize it's position before final release of the mouse.
If you right-click on a content item, many options are shown, such as to turn horizontally, turn vertically and position freely (not just to nodes at corners) Also, to quickly load a row or stack or a block at once.
"Could Contain in:" Displayed automatically, and always correct! This is the crate interior dimensions or "Bounding Box" that would just fit the cargo layout.
The green cargo piece in mid-air, morphing from the small square token on the stage to full size as it is being dragged from the stage to the crate.
There is a grid where you can type them in, or even bring them from an Excel sheet
There is a grid for that too. You can select from standard pallet sizes, or make one with bigger or smaller dimensions. Don't worry if you go too big. CargoWiz will report the minimum inside crate dimensions that will work.
Yes, but we think most craters will prefer the control they get by using the Drag and Drop editor to create a secure pack with minimal crate costs.
It is accessed from the main menu here:
Thus, avoiding the cost and trouble of potentially needing to:
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