Features for Importers and Exporters

Minutes from now you could have your own optimized cargo loading layout planned.

  • On first time opening, a wizard points out the few actions needed to create a load plan. For many the program is so intuitive that is all they need.
  • Many opt to watch our 3 videos on youtube, We have had over 88,000 views since 2005
  • Try it with your Cargo shipment.

Importing or entering the cargo data

Cargo sizes, part numbers and more can be simply typed into the cargo grid of course, but if there are many different items and you have them in an excel file you can simply copy and paste it into the grid using our Easy Import From Excel function. Our video shows you just how easy it is.


Fill out the container(s) DONT SHIP AIR!

Quantities can be varied and the load rerun with the click of a button until a well filled container is achieved.

Often this involves interaction with others in your office or overseas as some cargo may have more importance than others. With CargoWiz such back and forth adjustments can be done immediately during one phone call.


Multi-Container Shipments - Manually change the container size

With CargoWiz, as each container is loaded, with a click you can change the container size for the next container to be loaded. Perhaps change from a 40 foot to a 20 foot if you know not much is left to load.


Multi-Container Shipments - Find the Most Economical Mix of Container Sizes

For larger shipments, say 4 container or more. it gets very difficult to minimize the entire shipping cost.

Let CargoWiz do it for you! Under “Advanced Tools” select to “Open Sea Container Adviser”

A control panel appears where you select what container sizes to select from. Then click the “Find Best Sizes button” The optimizer is based on your choice of default container costs on a half-world shipment, or you can set your own actual costs.

In this example the first guess was (8) 40 ft HQ containers for $27,000

The final optimized mix was (2) 40 ft HQ containers and (6) 40 ft standard containers. Cost of $26,100

The savings was nearly $900, which would have saved this cost of the CargoWiz purchase in this example alone, which took just 6 minutes.

Be wary of competitors that offer to select the best sizes. Is it cost based like CargoWiz or just fit based?

For the Loading Dock - Clear, easily emailed, pdf reports

Bundles of lumber loaded in a container with container max weight limit automatically honored.

Having downloaded and wasted so much time with difficult and expensive programs we are very happy to have found such an easy load planner as CargoWiz.

Importer, California, USA

We have bought your program a few years ago with great satisfaction. Now we would like to add 3 users

Exporter, Italy

I have had the Cargo Wiz program for several years. It is a great tool for our company

Import Coordinator, Ohio

My customer is very eager to use this product!

Thank you!!

A Government Procurement Department,